302-540-0196 [email protected]

Handbook for Nonprofit Leadership

Recruiting, Training, and Engaging Trustees of Color

Cynthia Primo Martin’s Handbook for Nonprofit Leadership should be required reading for all Boards of Directors regardless of their size or current board composition. Your board’s make-up must reflect the community in which you live but achieving the necessary diversity is no easy task. Cynthia has been a leader in the field of diverse not-for-profit boards for decades and she now shares her years of experience and the wealth of knowledge she has gained.

Book Purchase

Today’s non profit boards of directors are aware of the need for increased diversity in their ranks. Achieving that diversity is a challenging task that requires not only commitment but also a clear plan to reach that goal.

Cynthia Martin’s insightful book details the steps needed to achieve needed diversity. Every non profit needs to make reading Cynthia’s book a part of its board’s orientation process.

2021, soft cover, 8½” X 11”, illustrated, 112 pages
ISBN 1-892142-74-0

(Note: link opens to Cedar Tree Books website)

Chapters to Diversify Your Nonprofit Board!

Chapter 1

Why Nonprofit Boards Should Be More Inclusive

Chapter 2

Board Diversity and Inclusion Model

Chapter 3

Board Readiness

Chapter 4

Recruiting Trustee Prospects of Color

Chapter 5

Effective Interviewing

Chapter 6

Choosing the Right Candidate (The Match!)

Chapter 7

Onboarding and Orientation 

Chapter 8

Full Trustee Participation

Chapter 9

Addressing Issues and Concerns

Chapter 10

Real Life Scenarios and Success Stories

Chapter 11

Strategies for Small Nonprofits


A Glimpse into the Future

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity should be a fact of life…it just is. Any group will have diversity because there are differences among people, many that are not visible by merely looking at the group. Maximizing diversity of thought, background and experience is a goal of any inclusive entity.

Inclusion calls for behavior change—to invite, accept, welcome and involve individu­als who have traditionally been excluded. There is recognition that a group with diverse backgrounds brings more richness to the conversations and solutions to problems. It means understanding each individual is unique, and recognizing individual differences including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious and political beliefs, or other ideologies.


is being invited to the Party


is being asked to Dance


is dancing like no one’s Watching

About the Author

Cynthia Primo Martin is a retired nonprofit executive specializing in agency management, fund development and marketing.  She has served as director/trustee of numerous nonprofit organizations, including University of Delaware, Delaware Community Foundation (DCF), Delaware Symphony Association,  African American Endowment Fund at DCF, Brandywine Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, St. Andrew’s School, United Way of Delaware,  and the Watterson Family Foundation. Earlier in her career, she served as human resources and equal employment opportunity director for a major insurance company.

Organizer and chair of the Quintin E. Primo, Jr. Lecture Series (PLS), established in memory of her father, Cynthia brought national and global human rights leaders–including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Andrew Young and Mary Robinson–to Delaware to participate in public fora on issues of race and reconciliation.  She was the Founder of Trustees of Color (TOC) initiative whose mission was to establish, implement and maintain a sustainable process to ensure that Delaware’s nonprofit boards are inclusive of people of color.  More than 500 trustees of color were connected with nonprofit organizations during the organization’s tenure.

Why I wrote the book

After Trustees of Color was dissolved in 2019, friends and associates suggested she leave a legacy by combining her experiences and learnings through her two decades of service to the community.  Cynthia uses “real life stories” to punctate important information, producing a simple, easy to understand work model to successfully diversify nonprofit boards.



(302) 540-0196

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